Exams, Tests, Performances and Performing assessments.
Exams, tests and performances and their assessments naturally bring about some degree of anxiety and stress.
Exams, tests and performances and their assessments naturally bring about some degree of anxiety and stress.
The body’s Sympathetic Nervous System Fight or Flight takes over when we are stressed and our body goes into survival mode.
Body Image is the positive or negative perception that a person has of their physical self
Mental health is just as important as physical health. It’s not just that someone doesn’t have a mental health problem, it means having a positive state of mental well-being.
‘dysphonia in school teachers is country-wide and certainly not part of the core curriculum of the teacher training schemes’
Please read for food changing ideas. A to Z of Foods, which help you de-stress.
Getting through exams can be a challenge, can’t it? But try not to panic. There are ways to beat exam stress and to make sure you get the best possible results.
There are a few foods and drinks that should be avoided at least 3 hours before any kind of performance, presentation, full day’s teaching, speaking in court, constant telephone calling, Skyping, lecturing…. etc. Keep these till after you’ve finished.
What is Vocal Health and Vocal Hygiene? Vocal Health and having Vocal Hygiene is a state in which our voice and vocal quality is free of any disorders and tension and works well for us. It … Read more
A Professional Voice Practitioner is usually qualified at a Masters level and is disciplined in the healthy production of voice including anatomy, articulation, resonating chambers, pitch, tone, pace and volume, tension release, meditation and … Read more